The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.



Services are important to bike retailers, especially local independent small business bike retailers. Services such as repairs, preventative maintenance, fitting components and upgrades can help a local bike shop stand out, especially in this marketplace of tough competition from online retailers that tend to care less about face to face service.

Using tools embedded in the Tower Systems Bike Shop Software, retailers are able to better pitch and manage in-store services. They are able to more easily encourage people to return to the business for the services and every visit is an opportunity to remind shoppers of the value of the local bike shop.

Smart customer recall tools enable the recalling of customers to the business for regularly required services. You can recall people for other reasons too such as an important milestone date or a date related to a friend of family member.

Bringing people back into the bike shop can be as easy as inviting them. This is one of many ways the Tower Systems Bike Shop software can help bike retailers to bring people back.

Promoting services at non-service related touch points is another way to help. For example, reminding shoppers of the importance of regular servicing on receipts can better connect with what you offer. This can be done easily using the Tower Systems Bike Shop Software.

In the workshop, tracking parts and labour and providing a comprehensive invoice detailing the work can boost shopper confidence and through this encourage word of mouth that your business is better managed and therefore a business to be recommended. Managing the workshop with thoughtfully developed repairs software sits at the heart of driving good revenue from services.

Using email marketing, you can send out mail campaigns targeting purchasers of a specific type of bike. This can help you rin highly targeted campaigns designed to drive service revenue with a secondary benefit of product sales.

All of this and plenty more is achievable with our Bike Shop Software. You can achieve growth through professional and consistent management. We are here to help with that. Our help, beyond the software, is another way we demonstrate the Tower AdvantageTM.

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By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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