The POS Software Blog

The POS Software Blog

News from Tower Systems about locally made POS software for specialty local retailers.

Is our POS software right for your local community?


The question we are asking today may sound a bit obscure, but it is 100% relevant to local small business retail.

Is our POS software right for your local community?

We pose the question to retailers considering POS software because embedded in the question is the bigger question abut what is right for your local community.

If you pitch shop local at all in promoting your business in-store or on social media then this question is key for you, because in calling for your local community to shop local you would want to back this up with your own shop local approach to your business decisions.

Is our POS software right for your local community?  This question is all about shop local – for our POS software is locally made and supported for local specialty retailers. We have competitors in the marketplace that are overseas businesses with overseas software developers and overseas help desk people.

Shop for POS software with us and you are supporting local IT. This is why we like the question Is our POS software right for your local community?  If shopping local matters to your local community then that is a factor in the software you choose.

Of course, you need to choose software that is right for your business and the software company that is right for your business. But, if after all your research it is us and someone else and Tower Systems, being local could be the factor that is the differentiator because our situation aligns with your situation, our value proposition aligns with your value proposition. These are factors when shop local matters to your local community.

We are proud to support local software innovation and to develop local IT skills. These are things that are important for Australia and our small software business plays a role in this.

Is our POS software right for your local community?  Only you can know the answer to this question. Today, we hope that our words were useful in your consideration as to the right POS software for your business.

Tower Systems is a specialty retail focussed POS software company. We are grateful to serve more than 3,000 local small business retailers across a broad range of specialty retail channels.

By Mark
The POS Software Blog




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